City of Cleveland (Division of Neighborhood Services)
Administers programs that strengthen City neighborhoods and provides services to homeowners, tenants, merchants, and institutions that preserve dwellings. These include direct loans/grants to property owners for repair, renovation, energy conservation, and safety improvements.
Cleveland Restoration Society
Offers a range of services that help you repair, maintain & preserve the historic features of your home and increase its value, while updating interior features and installing energy efficient systems.
Cuyahoga County Landbank
Strategically acquire properties and return them to productive use through various means.
Cleveland Housing Network
Provides Housing Development and Property Management, Energy Conservation and Weatherization, Safety Net and Support Services, Training & Education
Community Housing Solutions
Provides and coordinates services addressing various housing issues including housing counseling, home weatherization, home repair, and tool loan services.
Ohio Housing Finance Agency
Offers a variety of programs to help first-time homebuyers, renters, senior citizens and others find quality affordable housing that meets their needs.
Greater Cleveland Habitat For Humanity
Offers qualified families, with demonstrated need, willingness to partner, and the ability to pay a zero-interest loan, an opportunity to build and buy a home.